Major in Classics
The Classics Program at Marquette offers a Major with three concentrations: Classical
Languages, Classical Languages for Education Majors, and Classical Studies. Our graduates are well prepared for graduate and professional work in such fields as Classics, Theology, Philosophy, Law, Journalism, Public Service,and Education. We also offer a Minor in Classical Languages and a Minor in Classical Studies.
Major in Classics
Concentration 1: Classical Languages
Required Courses:
LATN 2001 Intermediate Latin 1 (3 credits)
LATN 2002 Intermediate Latin 2 (3 credits)
GREK 1001 Elementary Greek 1 (4 credits)
GREK 1002 Elementary Greek 2 (4 credits)
Additional Requirements:
Sixteen additional credit hours in Latin (LATN) or Greek (GREK) or Classics (CLAS), with a maximum of one course in CLAS.
Total Credit Hours: 30
Concentration 2: Classical Languages for Education Majors
LATN 2001 Intermediate Latin 1 (3 credits)
LATN 2002 Intermediate Latin 2 (3 credits)
GREK 1001 Elementary Greek 1 (4 credits)
GREK 1002 Elementary Greek 2 (4 credits)
FOLA 4000 Teaching World Languages and Cultures (3 credits)
Additional Requirements:
Sixteen additional credit hours in Latin (LATN) or Greek (GREK) or Classics (CLAS), with a maximum of one course in CLAS.
Maintenance of a minimum 2.75 GPA in LATN courses.
Passing a competence examination in Latin before enrolling in FOLA 4000 (Teaching World Languages and Cultures)
Total Credit Hours: 33
Concentration 3: Classical Studies
Required Courses:
GREK 2001 & GREK 2002 or LATN 2001 & LATN 2002
(Intermediate Greek 1&2 or Intermediate Latin 1&2) (6 credits)
HIST 3201 Ancient Greece and Rome (3 credits)
PHIL 3610 Ancient Philosophy (3 credits)
Additional Requirements:
One upper-level LATN or GREK course (3 credits)
Fifteen credit hours in Ancient Languages, Civilization, or the Classical Tradition. Eligible courses include LATN 1001 and 1002 or GREK 1001 and 1002 (taken as a second classical language), any other course in LATN, GREK, or CLAS, and such courses as the following:
POSC 2801 Justice and Power
THEO 2100 New Testament Overview
CMST 3340 Classical Rhetorical Theory
THAR 4200 History of Theatre I
Total Credit Hours: 30
Minor in Classical Languages
Required Courses:
LATN 2001 Intermediate Latin 1 (3 credits)
LATN 2002 Intermediate Latin 2 (3 credits)
GREK 1001 Elementary Greek 1 (4 credits)
GREK 1002 Elementary Greek 2 (4 credits)
Additional Requirements:
Six credit hours in Latin (LATN) or Greek (GREK) courses.
Total Credit Hours: 20
Minor in Classical Studies
Required Courses:
GREK 2001 &GREK 2002 or LATN 2001 & LATN 2002
Intermediate Greek 1&2 or Intermediate Latin 1&2 (6 credits)
HIST 3201 Ancient Greece and Rome (3 credits)
PHIL 3610 Ancient Philosophy (3 credits)
Additional Requirements:
Six credit hours in Ancient Languages, Civilization, or the Classical Tradition. Eligible courses include LATN 1001 and 1002 or GREK 1001 and 1002 (taken as a second classical language), any other course in LATN, GREK, or CLAS, and such courses as the following:
POSC 2801 Justice and Power
THEO 2100 New Testament Overview
CMST 3340 Classical Rhetorical Theory
THAR 4200 History of Theatre I
Total Credit Hours: 18